Beautiful love texts for your man

Examples of love texts to send to your sweetheart

Beautiful love texts for your man

·       You are my protective angel. When the clouds gather and the sky darkens, i know you are my shelter that protects me from all dangers.
·       It's you whom i love more than anything in the world. It's you whom i dream of day and night. It's you whom i think of every passing second. It's you whom i long for every moment spent away from you.
·       Your heart keeps me imprisoned, but i don't want to be set free, because knowing that you love me means more to me than anything.
·       I want to live on a planet bounded by your arms, illuminated by your eyes, guided by your charm, where the inhabitants are you and me.
·       My angel, you are everything to me. I couldn't live without you. You are the sun that warms me when i'm cold. I always want to be by your side. I love you.
·       In your arms... I want to lose myself in your arms, you make me tremble with your sweet voice, you are my last thought before sleeping, you are my only pleasure and my reason to smile.
·       I love you more than anything in the world, more than i've ever loved. What i feel for you is truly unique, and i could never love anyone else like i love you.
·       You are my little flaw but also my great quality, every day you fill me with happiness. I love you.
·       My love, despite all the distances that separate us, even miles away from you, i promise you, i love you, my heart, more than ever.
·       My eyes search for you. My heart hopes for you. You are my chimene, my sweet mystery... My voice caresses you, my words touch you, your heart savors the intoxication of a sweet song..
·       My sweet darling, whom i love more than anything, i love seeking refuge in your arms when i'm not feeling well. The gentle beat of your heart and your masculine scent reassure and calm me.
·       I love you, my angel, my beauty, my love. I love you more than there are stars in the sky, more than there are galaxies in the universe.
·       I loved you at first sight. You inspire me, you consume me, you fascinate me, you drive me crazy. My favorite place in the world is in your arms, my eyes in your beautiful eyes. I love you.
·       You've opened your heart to me and given me confidence for every step of my life. Stay my little angel for a long time and be the man of my life.
·       You are my love and more, you are also my guardian angel, my refuge, my love, and my best friend, the one i can rely on, the one i confide in completely, the one who always knows when i'm not well.

·       I love you shyly, i love you passionately, i love you as it's not allowed, i love you to infinity.